I've never been to a Cliopatria Awards ceremony, but I imagine it is full of glitz and glamour, tuxedos and ball gowns. As the best history bloggers of the past year, the winners certainly deserve to be feted in this way. But instead of my applause all I can give them is a little recognition, by writing this post and adding their respective blogs to Airminded's sidebar. 2010's winners are: U.S. Intellectual History (best group blog), The Renaissance Mathematicus (best blog), Ph.D. Octopus (best new blog), A Blast from the Past (best post), Disunion (best series of posts), and Lapata of Chapati Mystery (best writing). Congratulations to all of you!
I must admit to being particularly pleased to see A Blast from the Past in there, as its author, Mike Dash, is someone who I was reading long before I started blogging, and who comments here himself from time to time. (Also because I suspect I was reading his original blog at the Charles Fort Institute long before any other history bloggers!) I already have Mike's other blog, A Fortean in the Archives, listed; it overlaps a lot with A Blast from the Past which is why I haven't previously listed them both, but I see he's planning to differentiate them more in future so I'm happy to rectify this omission.
Also noteworthy is that one of the other winners, Disunion, is a military history blog. In fact, it's a very ambitious and high-powered group blog, hosted by the New York Times, which is post-blogging the American Civil War from go to woah. They're still some months off from the war's start, as they're just up to the start of 1861. It will be fascinating to follow this one over the next few years.