Travel 2024


Our targets are the following archives...

That's right...

Gloucestershire, TNA, LMA, SHC...

... I'm going on a research trip...

Tower Hamlets, Kent, IWM, ESBHRO.

... to the UK!

(I suppose this post should technically be called Archivwochen, but that's a little too pedantic even for me.)

It's been nearly a decade since my last visit, and that was long before I started working on Home Fires Burning. So I've built up a large pile of research questions which can only be answered in the archives. Airminded will therefore be in hiatus until July, while I holiday in England, Scotland, and Wales, and (more importantly for the purposes of this blog) research in the following archives:

I'm hoping to have some sort of Airminded meetup or meetups, so if you're in or near any of these places in late June, drop me a line!