
Jeffry Record. The Specter of Munich: Reconsidering the Lessons of Appeasing Hitler. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2006. Generally speaking, I'm bored by the ritual invocation of Munich every time some foreign crisis dominates the headlines. But it's not going to stop happening just because it bores me and it's kinda my area (or adjacent to it, at least), so maybe I should pay more attention to it.

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4 thoughts on “Acquisitions

  1. Post author

    Thanks! This seems reasonable enough:

    All in all, Chamberlain was dealt a terribly bad hand, which, however, he then proceeded to play badly through his mistaken assessment of Hitler's aims and his over-eagerness to placate the dictator with territorial concessions.

    I don't mind reappraisals or reflections on Munich, more the 'OMG Munich!!!!1' that seems to be the default response of so many pundits ...

  2. CK

    Munich, blech. It's all boiled down to Nazi Of The Week.

    I hope this is the right link, but Margaret Lavinia Anderson from UC Berkley, gives a nice rundown to the development of the Czech crisis, and the readiness of the democracies to fight a major war.

    If it's the wrong podcast I apologise. But she's very good on the topic of nations states and Liberal-Democracies.

    And UC Berkley's podcasts are definitely worth a rummage around.

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