
The winners of the first Cliopatria Awards for the best history blogs have been announced. Congratulations to all the winners! On the theory that they are the best of the best, the Top Guns of the historioblogosphere if you will, I have added Frog in a Well (Best Group Blog), BibliOdyssey (Best New Blog)Airminded was surprisingly nominated in this category, but boy was the competition stiff!, The Rhine River (Best Series of Posts) and Easily Distracted (Best Writing) to the list of noteworthy blogs on the sidebar. Go, read, and learn. I already had Blog Them Out of the Stone Age (Best Individual Blog) and Old is the New New (Best Post) listed, and I am particularly pleased about the former award, as it was Mark Grimsley's blog which convinced me that blogging could be a serious and useful part of doing military history. So it's terrific to see Blog Them Out of the Stone Age win the recognition it deserves.

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