It seems that Mussolini's attempt to annex Greece may have been somewhat ill-judged. The Daily Express leads with news of a Greek counteroffensive against the Italian forces invading their country from Albania. A spokesman for the Greek government said that their 'troops were advancing along the whole line'.
The offensive opened with a savage attack from the kilted Evzones, supported by cavalry, infantry, mountain guns, tanks and British and Greek planes.
This is the icing on yesterday's cake. The leading article on page 4 takes the Taranto raid as a turning point in the war:
FROM now on Britain must stay in top gear and go full speed ahead.
More smashing blows against Italy while she still reels from the effects of Taranto.
More bombs on German factories and fields.
And so on. The Daily Mirror takes much the same line (5):
WHAT does our success this week in the Mediterranean prove?
First, obviously, that the process of socking the Wop has begun.
Ah, that was not the bit I meant. Here it is:
But it proves more than that.
It proves that initiative, daring, the offensive spirit, brains directing risky operations can, after all, hasten the end of the war.
From different political positions (the Mirror broadly left, the Express definitely right, both populist and very popular) both papers are saying that Britain needs to take the offensive. But the Express seems a little less optimistic, saying only that this will 'bottle up the enemy's means of attacking us', not help 'hasten the end of the war' as the Mirror has it.
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