Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries has an article on academic blogging in its latest annual web issue, and guess which academic blog scores a mention ...
Airminded is an example of a graduate student blog; it is devoted to the topic of fears of air attack in Britain prior to World War II.1
Note that it doesn't say it's a good example of a graduate student blog :D
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- Laura B. Cohen, "Blogs in academia: a resource guide", Choice 43 (August 2006), 9. Actually, the OCRed version says 'Airmindcd'! [↩]
Jonathan Dresner
I think calling it a grad student blog sells it short. It's an excellent example of what academic blogs -- and websites generally -- can and should be for individual scholars.
Paul Gilster
Well done, Brett. Congratulations!
Scott W. Palmer
Kudos, Brett!