...d the Aeroplane: An Essay on a Militant and Technological Nation available online as a resource for students and scholars (though it may go back into print at some stage). It can be found through his publications page, or the direct link is here.They clearly don't like static, human-readable URIs at Imperial College, so if the above links don't work, try going through the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine home page. This i...

1 Comment

...rom the 1920s.) Finding this inspired me to do a bit of a search for other online historical maps of Britain which similarly attempt to cover the whole country. (There's a useful list of out-of-copyright maps here.) Old-maps.co.uk has been around a while and uses OS maps from the late 19th century. Vision of Britain (which site has lots of historical statistics which you can slice various ways, and which I must explore more thoroughly one day) is...


...hat it does have, such as the Daily Mail. The other major source is ukpressonline. New there (or at least what I hadn't noticed before) are the Church Times for 1939-45 (more is promised) and Fascist Week, an early BUF publication. Sadly neither of these are part of the Second World War package, despite falling within its period (1933-45). But at least that package now includes a nearly complete run of the Daily Worker, which it didn't before. Wha...


...me to the existence of a new online newspaper archive available at ukpressonline. I've used ukpressonline before for its complete runs of the Daily Express and the Daily Mirror, which were the most popular British dailies for most of the 1930s and 1940s. But it's not a free service. I don't mind paying, but the annual subscription rates are too prohibitive for me, and so when I do pay it's only for short-term access with a specific topic in mind....


...me, many other aviation historians, and Wikimedia Commons, as it provides online access to high-resolution PDFs (with OCR) of nearly every page of the key British aviation trade magazine Flight (from 1962 Flight International), from the first issue in 1909 up to 2004 -- all for free!1 Or rather it was incredibly useful, because since a FlightGlobal upgrade in late 2019 it has been unavailable, with the following message splashed on the landing pa...


...bout him last year on Remembrance Day, today I thought I would look at the online sources I used for that post. The first thing to note is that the Australian War Memorial website is absolutely superb for researching family members who served in wartime. By entering a surname on their search page, choosing a war and specifying whether they were killed in action or not, you can obtain a wealth of information, including Red Cross records, embarkatio...

...t Smallways Fared while it Lasted. Thirsk: House of Stratus, 2002 [1908]. (online version) Wells, H.G. The Shape of Things to Come: The Ultimate Revolution. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1933. (online version) Non-fiction Charlton, L.E.O. The Next War. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1937. Charlton, L.E.O. War from the Air: Past Present Future. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1935. Charlton, L.E.O. War Over England. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1936....


...the Desert and make this scarce volume, with its illustrations, available online. Not that I'm particularly enthralled by the idea of that much typing.... Thank you, sincerely, for presenting this fascinating discussion of the works of E. D. Fawcett. Brett Holman No problem at all, I write mainly for myself but it's always great when somebody else finds it interesting too. And I think you should put The Secret of the Desert online, it would compl...