2020-2005 hindsight

I've fortuitously remembered that today is the day that Airminded turns 15. It seriously seems like hardly any time at all since the day it turned 10, even though that period has seen a number of personal and professional milestones (and whatever the opposite of milestones is), including my first (and still only) major research grant, moving from Armidale back to Melbourne and my first bot.

Anyway, given that I nearly forgot to mark the day, instead of a meticuously-planned month-long celebration of Airmindedness, here's a hastily assembled list of my five favourite Airminded posts over the last five years:

See you (?) in 2025.

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3 thoughts on “2020-2005 hindsight

  1. Martin

    Many happy returns for your site then :)

    Must admit I only stumbled across here a few months back, but I've been trying to work my way through as many posts as possible, and doing so has been of great interest and great fun.

    May you keep on posting!

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