Military History Carnival 21

[Cross-posted at Cliopatria.]

Welcome to the restored Military History Carnival, a round-up of the best military history blogging of the last month. Since history is just one damn thing after another, let's try this as a chronology.

327-5 BCE: Alexander the Great's army fights yeti in India.
122 CE: Construction of Hadrian's wall begins in order to amuse 20th century children.
1202: Venice builds a fleet of Landing Ships (Knight) for the Fourth Crusade.
1861-5: Black Confederates probably don't exist, but if they did here's what it would take to convince reasonable historians.
1914-9: The First World War sees horses used in a wide variety of roles. Men and women had their roles too.
1915: The many burdens of the poor bloody infantry.
1915: The first Zeppelin raid on Britain.
1915: Fighting at Gallipoli inspires a British sailor-poet to write of ancient Ilium.
1915: An earlier American intervention in Haiti.
1918: Gladys Wake, a Canadian nurse who died on active service in France.
1931-7: Why Metrovicks got into gas turbine research.
1939: 'Keep Calm and Carry On': then an unused morale-boosting poster, now a wildly successful internet meme.
1939-45: Why most RAF war dead served in bombers.
1940: Coventry and the aeroplane.
1942: George Herbert Walker Bush becomes the youngest American naval aviator to fly solo.
1948: President Truman sets a precedent for today by ordering the end of segregation in the US armed forces.
1948-9: An earlier international humanitarian airlift.

This edition of the Military History Carnival was brought to you by the year 1915. Thanks go to all those who sent in suggestions. If you'd like to host a future carnival, please contact the Battlefield Biker.

[Update: fixed an embarrassingly-bad description which suggests I barely bothered to read the link. Sorry Gavin!]

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5 thoughts on “Military History Carnival 21

  1. Erik Lund

    Great Carnival, Brett! I'm glad to see coverage of horses in WWI. Hopefully it's the beginning of a huge research trend that I can shamelessly footnote in the Unsolicited Manuscript of Doom.

  2. Well there y'go. I'm honoured to be in the company of LS(K) and Attack Yettis among others, like another James.

    Thanks, Brett!

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