It's hard to believe, but it's exactly a year since I started Airminded, taking the historioblogosphere by storm with my cryptically-entitled first post, First post! It's been both fun and (I think) productive for me thus far, with the highlights probably being hosting the History Carnival, and being asked to help found the group blog Revise and Dissent. I'd blog even if nobody read what I wrote, but I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the trouble to comment, especially Chris Williams and Alex for their support in the early days.
Bonus! factoids:
- In total, 144 posts and 324 comments (including trackbacks and pingbacks).
- Most visited post: LaTeX: the pain, the pleasure.
- Most commented post: ditto.
- Most common search engine string: signs of madness (not, I think, what they were looking for ...)
- Most used category: inevitably, Books.
- Four posts I recommend.
Normal blogging will resume shortly ...
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Got the hairs on the palms of your hands yet?
Brett Holman
Post authorNo, I just looked and ... hey! It's decades since I last fell for that!
Kevin M. Levin
Hey Brett,
Congrats on a successful year. Although I only recently learned of your site it is now part of my weekly troll through the blogosphere. Best of luck in the coming year.
Congradulations Brett!! Keep up the great posts.
-The War Room Crew
Paul Gilster
Well done, Brett! Congratulations on a weblog I consider essential reading.
Brett Holman
Post authorThanks guys!
Chris Williams
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, etc. Ta for the namecheck and keep it up.
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