I'm honoured to have been asked to be a member of the new Society for Military History Blog. The other members are Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bateman, Mark Grimsley, Jamel Ostwald, and Brian Sandberg. I've been involved in a couple of previous group blogs; this one is obviously more focused in topic (albeit 'military history' is not particularly narrow!) and will also be more structured in the sense that we'll be sticking to a schedule, with a post every couple of days. It's good to see the SMH taking advantage of social media to promote academic military history and I'll be doing my best to help it do so.
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Heath Graham
Excellent. :D
Alan Allport
Remember, we knew you before you were famous ...
Brett Holman
Post authorHeath:
Thanks, squire.
The real question is will you remember that you know me when I'm famous…
Rhonda Gilbreath
Congrats on becoming a blog member. Having a schedule and a topic will make it easier for you to blog and to do a good blog. We all look forward to your blogs and welcome you to being a regular blogger here. Excellent accomplishment. It always feels good when you accomplish something that you always wanted or enjoy doing. Great Job!
Brett Holman
Post authorThanks, Rhonda.