Man vs. nature: the road to victory

I'm not sure if this ever happened, but if it did it's surely more impressive than shooting bison from a train, or even wolves from a helicopter.

ACCORDING to a telegram from Port Elizabeth [South Africa] to the "African World," bombing aeroplanes are to be used to exterminate "rogue" elephants in the Bush.

North-China Herald, 6 September 1919, 642.

Thanks to Jess Nevins for the tip.

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2 thoughts on “Man vs. nature: the road to victory

  1. Chris Williams

    Somewhere or other, I have a copy of TV programme about Mau Mau in which some Kenyan veterans claim that when they were living in the forest, they used to light a smoky fire on purpose. A few hours later, RAF Lincolns would carpet-bomb the area (the bombs were close to their 'drop by' date, and by using them, the RAF could charge them to the Government of Kenya rather than writing them off): the Kenyans would then find the craters and take the pulverised game around them to cook over less-smoky fires.

    Was this true? Did it happen more than once? Not sure, but it's a good story.

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