As my mind has been on other matters of late, I've been a bit remiss in attending to matters historioblogospheric. So here are some of the things I've not noted:
- The Military History Carnival has a new home at Battlefield Biker. I think Gavin Robinson deserves many thanks and much praise for starting up the carnival and running it through its first nineteen incarnations!
- Here's something for all the Vulcanophiles out there, written by Nabakov, a sometime commenter here.
- Some newish (or newish to me) history blogs which I've been reading for a while and am adding to the blog list: Luke McKernan's The Bioscope, on early and silent cinema; Times Archive Blog, drawing on the awesome resources of the Thunderer; Tim Kendall's War Poetry, and not just from the First World War either.
- See also: The Whirlwind, a blog set up by Dan Todman for his QMUL course on Bomber Command, and The Road from 1945, set up by Dan and Jack McGowan as a resource for another course on postwar British history. The latter, especially, is chock-full of video primary source goodness, and The Whirlwind also has some interesting reflections by Dan on how the course is going.
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I can't quite believe I did it now. Was I completely insane? Let's just hope there are enough hosts to keep the carnival going.
Many thanks for the hat-tip, Brett.
I’ve actually turned into a proud IT-geek over this whole audio-visual sources business. But I do feel increasingly strongly that, in my areas, there is such a wealth of primary material now available that we must harness it. It’s simply a case of learning how to collate it in one place. That is very time-consuming (but addictive and good fun) – and I am getting faster.
Btw, I added the ‘Homecoming Scotland’ post through the heavily-gritted teeth of the ‘Scottish cultural cringe’. I had to resist the temptation to ask ‘would this make you come “home”, or would it make you more likely to leave?’
I was also tempted to add this brilliant parody:
Congratulations on submitting The Thud.
Brett Holman
Post authorGavin:
Many great things would never have been achieved if their true insanity had been realised beforehand :)
Thanks! Good to see Australia isn't the only place with a cultural cringe, and on that point, that Homecoming Scotland video is no worse than this:
Okay, maybe it is.