An unusual phantom airship reference today. The Dundee Courier reports on the 'successful debut' of 'Mr William J. Wallace's talented company of entertainers', who 'made their bow before Dundee [sic] public on Saturday night' at St Mary Magdalene's Hall (p. 4). One 'descriptive sketch' in particular, entitled 'Coach Ride from Newport to Balmurnie via Pickletullem and the Gauldry', is described as having been 'a roaring success':
Everything went with a harmonious flow, and even although the second part was prepared with a rush it was wonderfully rhythmical. The scene on the top of the coach was most realistic, and the 'up-to-dateness' of the piece was emphasised by the card bearing the words 'Votes for Women' being dropped into their midst from a 'mystery airship.'
It seems unlikely that suffragists are seriously being blamed for scareships (although...) Rather it would seem that at least for the moment mystery airships, like the women's suffrage movement, have become well enough known that a variety show audience will recognise and appreciate a humorous reference to them. Though really, to be completely up-to-date, the show should have been put on a month ago. The 'musical sketch' about 'the burning question before Popton Parish Council', 'Should Popton Have a Pump', is probably more topical now.
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