
I bought these the other day, about 17000 km away -- except for one which was a gift.

The Battle of Britain: An Air Ministry Account of the Great Days from 8th August -- 31st October 1940. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1941. Thanks, Simon!

Angus Calder. The People's War: Britain 1939-1945. London: Pimlico, 1992 [1969]. A classic which I've not yet read.

Richard Overy. The Air War 1939-1945. Washington, DC: Potomac Books, 2005 [1980]. Likewise, I'm afraid to say! This edition has an essay on the most important updates to the literature since 1980.

Martin Pugh. We Danced All Night: A Social History of Britain Between the Wars. London: Vintage Books, 2009. What you'd expect from the title, but also has a whole chapter on 'the romance and the menace of aviation'.

Sonya O. Rose. Which People's War? National Identity and Citizenship in Wartime Britain, 1939-1945. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. One way to tell when a book has become a classic is when other books start alluding to it in their own titles ...

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4 thoughts on “Acquisitions

  1. Post author


    Not yet -- there's another batch from Foyles following me by airmail!


    I see I took 2634 photos between Stonehenge and Duxford, I'm sure some of them will end up here in due course :)

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