Partly in lieu of the thing itself, but mainly just for fun, here are some word clouds of my thesis (generated with Wordle). So the above image shows the 75 most frequent words in the entire document, with the biggest word being the most common. (So it's something to do with air and war and London then ...) Below are clouds for each chapter. I just copied the text from the PDF file into Wordle; it works pretty well, except for some reason that process introduces weird breaks in some words. I don't really spend a significant chunk of chapter 4 talking about counter-os and ensives!
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
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Ricardo Reis
Very cool! :)
Counter-o s sound like an off-brand breakfast cereal.
Wow! First congrats on handing in yr thesis. 2nd, surely wordclouds should suffice. They look so cool.
Australia Felix · · Word cloud
George Shaner
"Counter-o s sound like an off-brand breakfast cereal."
Or some sort of neo-Sixties girl group.
Melissa Bellanta
That looks fantastic. Can imagine all sorts of procrastinatory uses for that application! And congrats too on handing it in -
- Melissa
What a really cool thing ... I'm gonna have a go at that!
Brett Holman
Post authorThanks, jbentham and Melissa! And I thought 'counter-os' sounds like some bizarre sort of breakfast cereal too ... maybe something that explodes in your mouth?