Scareships over YouTube

Catherine Warr, a Yorkshire-based historian, recently posted a video on the British phantom airship panic of 1909 which you can watch on YouTube, or right here:

This is terrific public history: engaging and fun while being informative and accurate. Catherine has dozens more videos on her channel, including a bunch of airminded ones (e.g. British airships; the Welles War of the Worlds panic/'panic'; the York Blitz), so it's well worth having a look.

Catherine cites Airminded as a source for the 1909 panic, along with David Clarke's key 1999 Fortean Studies article (which can currently be found online here); in fact she kindly wrote to thank me for making my research accessible. Which of course I'm very pleased about, as it's one of the reasons why I started Airminded... twenty years ago this July!? Surely that can't be right. But while I check the maths, I'd better start thinking about how to mark the anniversary…

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