10 thoughts on “Acquisitions

  1. Love the cover art! (have just gone back and read your blog posts about it which I had previously missed).
    The art speaks for itself, but the title translates any ambiguity!

  2. Alan Allport

    Congratulations! It's a great feeling - enjoy it. Because once you start finding the typos, it's all downhill from there ... ;-)

  3. Post author

    Thanks! It's certainly a great feeling, to have it exist in the real world at long last.


    Ah, well, I've already found a couple, including a really annoying one at the end of the introduction. By the way, you might notice a familiar spine on one of the bookshelves in the background!

  4. Alan Allport

    I see I'm in a highly respectable neighborhood, with Sonya Rose and David Edgerton just down the road to borrow a cup of (rationed) sugar from ... though I can't figure out who the person right next door is.

  5. Erik Lund

    You're doing this "acquisitions" thing wrong, Brett. There's supposed to be a brief, snarky review. Congratulations, by the way.

  6. Post author

    Cheers again.


    That's Simon Garfield's We Are At War. Well-spotted on the other two, though.


    There'll be plenty of snark when the reviews come in, I'm sure.


    And it has been a few years now! Nearly 9 since I started the PhD, nearly 5 years since I finished it -- and 2.5 years since I signed the book contract. History is a time-consuming process.

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