I'm very pleased to announce that I have been awarded an Australian Bicentennial Fellowship by the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies at King's College London. This is a travel grant which I will use to come to the UK to continue research for my next book, a history of Britain under the German air raids of the First World War, tentatively entitled Zeppelins and Gothas. I'll have more to say about the book in due course (i.e. when I've got a publisher!) but for now it's very exciting to be able to start thinking about my next research trip (it's nearly three years since my last one, which this will be building upon). A few things will have to line up first, but if they do the trip will be in the first half of 2018, likely in the spring, and will take in London and probably Leeds, and perhaps elsewhere. I'll have more to say about all that in due course too.
Here I would just like to thank not only the Menzies Centre for the Fellowship, but also Dr Dan Todman and the School of History at Queen Mary, University of London, who kindly agreed to host me during my stay, as well as the two academic referees who supported my application but who I won't embarrass by naming here!
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Heath Graham
Jonathan Dresner
Brett Holman
Post authorThanks!
Neil Datson
Congratulations Brett.
Get in touch when you've got dates etc planned, and all being well we can meet up.
Brett Holman
Post authorThanks, and will do -- though the dates are still all very vague at the moment!
Ian Wilson
Congratulations Brett!
Does that mean you can’t supervise me for HUMS301 in T1 this year?
Cheers Ian Wilson
And back again – Airminded