David Crotty. A Flying Life: John Duigan and the First Australian Aeroplane. Melbourne: Museum Victoria, 2010. The first Australian-built aeroplane to fly, to be specific. Also covers Duigan's career as an AFC RE8 pilot on the Western Front where he won his Military Cross.
Malcolm Hall. From Balloon to Boxkite: The Royal Engineers and Early British Aeronautics. Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2010. J. E. Capper, Baden Baden-Powell, Samuel F. Cody and all the other magnificent men. Briefly covers late-19th century military ballooning but really gets going with the South African War, ending up with the Air Battalion, the RFC's immediate predecessor. Lots of illustrations.
Augustine Meaher IV. The Australian Road to Singapore: The Myth of British Betrayal. North Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2010. The book of the thesis of a former fellow PhD student. As the title suggests, it's a strong attack on the prevalent idea (hi David Day!) that the British failure to defend Singapore amount to a betrayal of Australia, arguing that instead it was we who failed to devote enough resources to our own military forces in the 1920s and 1930s.
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