POWERFUL new R.A.F. bombers now being produced in great numbers and an amazing new long-range fighter are likely to be used, in the immediate future, for a greatly intensified bombing offensive over Germany.
Hitler's people can look forward to more than a taste of the medicine their Luftwaffe is administering over here.
'Shortest Raid. LONDON ALERT LASTS 20 MINS.':
LONDON had its usual air-raid warning half-an-hour than usual last night. It proved to be the shortest after-dark "Alert" since the blitzkrieg began, lasting barely 20 minutes.
And it was followed by the longest period of quiet.
TWO tons of bombs were rained on the great Krupps arms works at Essen during a lightning high-altitude attack by the R.A.F. in Saturday night.
They started a trail of fire across Germany's oil plants and railway yards, blasting the docks in Holland, and set the French coast aflame from Dunkirk to Boulogne.
'Nazis Lose More Than They Kill':
LORD CROFT of Bournemouth, Under-Secretary for War, revealed yesterday:
"It is believed that ten days ago a single British submarine sent more German soldiers to their doom than all the British deaths caused by German airmen in the whole month of August.
"It is highly probable that far more German war factory workers have lost their lives than the total losses inflicted on our civilians from air attack."
Page 2:
The 'Portal Aggressive,' New British Type Just Released.
SPEED: Terrific. CEILING: Not reached yet. ARMAMENT: Unlimited bombs. -- by Illingworth.
'New Tube Shelter Opened', page 3:
THREE thousand people of Bethnal Green took over a deep shelter last night 65ft. below ground in the station at the end of the incompleted Liverpool-street-Bethnal Green extension of the Central London tube line.
Mr. Herbert Morrison, Minister of Home Security, visited the station on Saturday and ordered that it to be opened as a shelter.
'It's Your Opinion':
POSTBAG ANALYSIS: Since the R.A.F have shown us the right way to upset the enemy's war effort there have been fewer demands for reprisals. Readers are now looking to this winter's transport difficulties, and a typical letter printed below points out the dilemmas of the late worker. Other letters refer to the allowance for equipment made to the Home Guard, lifts from motorists, and men sheltering in the Tubes.
'"FRONT-LINE" FAMILIES CAN HOPE AGAIN. East End Say "We'll have new homes soon"':
THE people of London's bombed East End have a new hope. For the first time since they found themselves in the front line of the air attack on Britain they feel a real drive is being made to ease their hardships after all the early muddle and confusion.
'Nazi Child Murder Must be Ended':
"If any trace of humanity remains in the human race, such deeds as the Nazi murder of children must be ended," declared Cardinal Hinsley when he addressed the Society of the Sword and Spirit in London yesterday.
"The massacre of the innocents," he said, "began with spiritual murder by inhuman upbringing. The massacre of children at sea and from the air has manifested to the whole world what hideous callousness has been branded into the hearts of German youths."
[Malcolm MacDonald, Minister of Health, told America in a radio broadcast that] THESE great war-time dormitories are presenting us with many problems. But their virtues as shelters are not their only significance. It may not even be the most important part of it.
It is in them that the London populace gathers. It is in them that the effects of war on the thought of this or that individual is tried out on the community of his fellows.
It is in them that economics and social questions are being argued out. In fact, in them post-war Britain is being conceived: they are the wombs from which the new Britain will be born.
'RAF HAVE BATTERED NAZIS. 4½ Months of Bombing Paralyse Industry':
TO-DAY, through the Ministry of Information, is released the R.A.F.'s crushing reply to Göring's boast that no British aircraft would cross Germany's frontiers.
It is the story behind Air Ministry communiqués No. 664 to No. 1,867 and records R.A.F. bombing attacks on more than 200 military objectives in the Reich, from the Baltic Sea to Switzerland and from the North Sea hundreds of miles inland to Berlin and beyond, over a period starting on May 11 and ending on September 29.
The detailed facts prove that the web of destruction woven night after night by our bombers is clogging Hitler's great industrial and war machine.
NB. The map is from World War II Today, as it's a better copy than the one I have. However it is also slightly different: the Mail's version, for example, has the bomb symbols filled in in black.
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Chris Williams
Oooh, the irony, given that Portal was heavily against the concept of a long-range fighter.
Airminded · Post-blogging 1940: preliminary thoughts and conclusions
Brett Holman
Post authorI wonder what this 'amazing' long-range fighter was -- both the Whirlwind and the Beaufighter were coming into service, though I don't think either was ever used as a bomber escort over Germany as the article implies.