Earlier this year, I mentioned that I had joined the editorial collective of Melbourne Historical Journal. Well, against all odds (or so it seemed at times!) we produced what I think is a pretty good issue. Lynette Russell graciously launched it this evening at the Re-orienting Whiteness conference, and it's now available for purchase. (Or if you can somehow restrain yourself for the moment, and you have access, it will be available on Expanded Academic ASAP in due course.)
Here's the table of contents:
Features: The Historical Significance of the Apology to the Stolen Generations
Duplicity and Deceit: Gary Foley’s Take on Rudd’s Apology to the Stolen Generations
Apologising for Stolen Time
By Chris Healy
The Apology & the Man at the Funeral
By Robert Kenny
New Perspectives on the Past: YouTube, Web 2.0 and Public History
By Megan Sheehy
'Lest We Forget': Creating an Australian National Identity from Memories of War
By Clemence Due
Babeuf and the Gracchi: A Comparison of Means and Ends
By Peter Russell
There's also a range of book (and exhibition) reviews, including one by me, of Britain Can Take It: British Cinema in the Second World War, by Anthony Aldgate and Jeffrey Richards (London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2007) and The Battle of Britain on Screen: 'The Few' in British Film and Television Drama, by S. P. MacKenzie (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007). Don't buy it on that account, though -- in fact I can sum up my conclusions as follows: they're both excellent, though Britain Can Take It probably isn't worthwhile if you've got the previous edition.
Editing the journal was a great experience, and I think helped me with my own writing. Good luck to next year's collective!
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