This month is when I should be doing another of my state of the military historioblogosphere posts, but obviously I'm not. Mostly this is because I don't have time to gather the data, due to all the Sudeten post-blogging I've been doing lately. But also, once more there's only been a relatively modest growth in the number of military history blogs listed at Cliopatria, so my sense is that there wouldn't be much change to talk about anyway. I may or may not revive these posts in the future.
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Bob Meade
Positively, the Australian War Memorial "group" blog seems to be going well - there are some good and very informative posts there.
It is also given precedence on the AWM homepage, being the first listed link in the left sidebar.
I'd love to know their stats, particular if they got a lift with that link position. They're not getting many comments on the blog though, considering the AWM is Canberra's no. 1 tourist attraction.
Brett Holman
Post authorYes, they've definitely taken to blogging, there's clearly a good degree of institutional support for it at the AWM. But I've noticed the relative lack of comments too. The fact that registration is required probably puts people off, and I wish they'd reconsider their decision not to engage with the rest of the historioblogosphere. It would help build traffic for them, among other things.