John Robert Ferris. Men, Money, and Diplomacy: The Evolution of British Strategic Foreign Policy, 1919-1926. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989. A key reference on a somewhat neglected period.
Boris Ford, ed. The Cambridge Cultural History. Volume 8: Early 20th Century Britain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Because I need more culture!
Peter Lewis. The British Bomber since 1914: Sixty-Five Years of Design and Development. London: Putnam, 1980. 3rd edition. Possibly the standard reference book on the subject. Lots of nice pictures too.
Norman Macmillan. The Royal Air Force in the World War. Volume 1: 1919-1940. London: George G. Harrap, 1942. This is partly of interest to me because it's a near-contemporary history of the RAF in the interwar period, and also because of the author: he was Rothermere's choice to head the National League of Airmen in 1935.
Malcolm Smith. British Air Strategy between the Wars. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984. Another widely-cited work on RAF air strategy before 1939 ... I can never have too many of these!
The Next Five Years: An Essay in Political Agreement. London: Macmillan, 1935. A manifesto in the "what is to be done?" vein. It's mostly about the need for economic planning and so on, but there's also a long section on collective security and how to improve it, including a bit about air disarmament and the need for international control of civil aviation (so that airliners couldn't be converted into bombers) and maybe an international air force too. Not too surprising given some of the people involved: Clifford Allen, Robert Cecil, Gilbert Murray, Arthur Salter, H.G. Wells, Wickham Steed ...
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