I'm pleased to announce that my first paper has been accepted for publication, by War in History. It's about the international air force idea and is entitled 'World police for world peace: British internationalism and the threat of a knock-out blow from the air, 1919-1945'. It won't actually appear for some time, but under the terms of the publishing agreement I'm allowed to make the originally-submitted version (i.e. before peer review) available for download. It can be found from my publications page.
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Ross Mahoney
Congrats Brett. I will download and have a read. The lead in time for these things take so long. The paper I delivered last year at a conference will not be published until next year. Academia moves so slow...
Fantastic! Welcome to the history bloggers who have been published in War In History club. :)
Chris Williams
Erik Lund
Rush, dude.
Congratulations! That's great news.
Can you get a badge that says 'Will be published this decade'? ;D
More seriously, what's the revision process / timescale on this?
Alan Allport
Congratulations - that's great news. And now for a book ...
Brett Holman
Post authorThanks! JDK, it's gone through a couple of rounds of revision already, I might get a chance to look at proofs before it goes to the printers btu I'm not sure. As for the timescale, again I don't know, but if Gavin's experience with the same journal is any guide it could come out as soon as April next year.
Ross Mahoney
If it works anything like the chapter I did you should get a chance to see what chance the make/suggest. I found it a useful process and it was good to see the changes made and discuss why they were made. They are usually for the better. My conclusion was dumped mainly because it was more of a summary than anything else. If I am honest it is great to have another eye look at it before publication.
After acceptance I was allowed to do some minor revisions before the final deadline even though they weren't required. Then a few months later I had to proof read it and supply minor corrections (the deadline for proofs is about a month before publication). I was told it could be 18 months after acceptance before it got into print but I think they got me in a bit sooner because I'd had to wait an unusually long time for the first round of peer review. Overall it was about 2 years from first submission to publication, which I think is about average.
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