New Deadline: 13th March 2022
Aviation Cultures Mk.VI: Connecting the Regions
Didn't have time to get your proposal in? Don't worry! We are excited by the submissions we have received and invite others – experts, professionals, academics, and practitioners – to discuss the impact aviation has had throughout the regions at the local and global level.
The Aviation Cultures Mk.VI Conference will be held from the 15th to the 17th of July 2022, both at the University of Southern Queensland in Toowoomba and online. Prizes for best papers will be awarded, and further details will be released closer to the conference date. We are keen to see wide participation from early career researchers and people with expertise rarely shared to a wider audience, as well as experienced specialists.
Submit an Abstract
Potential Session or Paper Topics
In line with the overall conference theme Connecting the Regions we invite proposals for papers addressing culture, history, heritage and design, both civil and military, broadly interpreted, throughout the world of aviation.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Aviation Archaeology: learning from the material remains; inquisition over acquisition
- Museums and Heritage: innovative ways to attract new audiences to aviation museums
- Indigenous Peoples and Aviation: the diverse aviation experiences of Indigenous peoples
- Cultural Expression: aviation in art, music, ?lm, advertising, literature, gaming, modelling, photography, air displays, aerophilately
- Simulating Aviation: aviation simulation for fun and pro?t: history, technology, purposes
- Fabric of Aviation: uniforms, apparel, aircraft construction, parachutes: what aviation is ‘made’ of
- Lighter Than Air: reconsidering the place of airships and balloons in aviation
- Hidden Figures in Aviation: those excluded from traditional narratives about ?ight, and what can we do about it?
All About Aviation Cultures

Conference Format
The event will be held in a hybrid format, with presenters either in person at the conference venue or presenting via our online platform. Whether in person or online, all presentations and panel discussions will be available to view live.
Presentations may take a variety of forms as follows:
‘Standard session’ presentations involve a full paper (video, slideshow or text) published online 2 weeks prior to the conference. This is followed by a short, strictly 10 minute, live presentation (in person or online) summary of the paper at the conference, followed by participation in a discussion panel.
‘Blitz’ presentations need not necessarily conform to one of the main session themes. They comprise a short, strictly 5 minute, live presentation (in person or online) at the conference, supported by a maximum of three slides. More expansive versions of the papers (video, slideshow or text) may be provided for publication online if desired.
This year we are also welcoming Virtual / Physical Poster presentations, comprising a single page in either slideshow or PDF format on any relevant topic.
The due date for all presentations will be 3 weeks before the conference begins. Papers will be made available through the Aviation Cultures website for previewing by conference participants. Aviation Cultures Conference Inc. propose to publish all papers online on our website, but this is not compulsory. If publishing permission is granted by the presenter the presentation will remain accessible via the Aviation Cultures Conference website at the discretion of the presenter.
Brett Holman, on behalf of Aviation Cultures Mk.VI Core Committee
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