Nominations for the 2011 Cliopatria Awards are now open! This year, there are some very important changes. The usual categories will still be awarded for the best in history blogging: best group blog, best individual blog, best new blog, best post, best series of posts and best writer. But there are two new categories for other forms of history social media: best Twitter feed and best podcast episode. And, even more significantly, I'm one of the judges (along with Katrina Gulliver and Shane Landrum) for two categories, best group blog and best new blog. So please make our decision as difficult as possible by nominating many excellent group and/or or new history blogs for our consideration! Also for the other categories, too, I suppose.
NOTE: HNN is having technical difficulties at the moment, so there are alternate sites for making nominations for each category: best group blog, best individual blog, best new blog, best post, best series of posts, best writer, best Twitter feed, and best podcast episode.
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Airminded · 2011 Clios