Justin E. A. Busch. The Utopian Vision of H. G. Wells. Jefferson and London: McFarland & Company, 2009. Not sure about this one. There's no doubt that Wells had a utopian vision, several of them in fact, but the index has about three dozen references for Plato as well as fifteen or so for F. A. Hayek, which seem like odd preoccupations for a book on Wells.
Ruth Henig. The League of Nations. London: Haus Publishing, 2010. A short history of the League -- its successes, its failures... well, mostly its failures, I guess. Part of a big (mostly biographical) series on 'The peace conferences of 1919-23 and their aftermath'.
Tammy M. Proctor. Civilians in a World at War, 1914-1918. New York and London: New York University Press, 2010. Covers the civilian experience of the First World War globally in a number of contexts, such as in industry, in internment and in revolution. She argues that the war created the ideas of the civilian and the home front, an idea I am sympathetic towards.
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