A new addition to the historioblogosphere -- and one very close to my own interests! It's called The Blogger will always get through... and is the work of the indefatigable Peter Hibbs, who runs the amazingly exhaustive and informative NBCD (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence) site, primarily (but not exclusively) covering Britain in the era of the world wars. As Peter relates, the blog
records my thoughts on odd subjects related to the development of this website, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare, Air Raid Precautions/Civil Defence and anything else that happens to grab my interest.
He's actually been blogging since the start of the year, so there's already a goodly number of posts to go through: highlights for me so far include the things people leave in their gas masks, beating air raid sirens into washing machines and a possible public air raid shelter in Norbury. Anyone who is interested in Airminded's subject matter will likely find it worth their while to read The Blogger will always get through... too, so do yourself a favour and check it out!
PS Bonus points for the blog's name ... very punny indeed.
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Peter Hibbs
Thanks very much for the compliments Brett!
Struggling with a post-grad dissertation though, I wouldn't currently describe myself as "indefatigable", although I do find the occasional minute to do some work on NBCD. Unfortunately, I can't use my blog as a dissertation tool in the same way you can :)
I still have some work to do before I can deliver the knock-out blog; navigation aids are being fine-tuned, recent responses are being fitted with IFF to make them appear on the radar and a four-engined RSS feed (blog-aimer?) is revving up in the hangar; anything to ensure that the Blogger gets through...
Silly puns and metaphors aside, the bonus points are gratefully received; the name popped into my head about a year ago and I decided it was time to use it before somebody else did.
You did mean "punny" and not "puny" didn't you....
Brett Holman
Post authorWell, from this distance you look indefatigable, anyway!
An RSS feed (Pathfinders? H2S?) would be a very good thing.
"The knock-out blog" - I like that too! Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I'm stuck with Airminded now ...
Peter Hibbs
Well, if 'Air Raid Precautions' can become absorbed into 'Civil Defence' in the middle of a war, I'm sure you can get away with a name-change! (Or perhaps something like Airminded: delivering the knock-out blog?)
I have a similar problem with NBCD; these days 'CBRN' is a more popular term and I often get calls to change.
As for my proposed RSS (H2S) feed, at the moment it definitely stinks; the penalty of a home-made blog, I suppose. I have a few minor issues to sort out, but the feed basically works. Release will be delayed until I've cleaned up the navigation and added a search facility. There's a catagorisation system too, which needs tweaking.
Brett Holman
Post authorI do like Airminded, really, so I may keep that suggestion for the subtitle in reserve ...
Rolling your own blog software: further evidence for your indefatigability!