David Edgerton wrote in to let me know that he has made his 1991 book England and the Aeroplane: An Essay on a Militant and Technological Nation available online as a resource for students and scholars (though it may go back into print at some stage). It can be found through his publications page, or the direct link is here.
This is good to see; it's an important book for my area of study (though I already have a copy of my own, natch!) and one of the few to try to step back and see the bigger picture of how the aeroplane fits into English society, culture, politics, industry and, of course, the warfare state. I re-read it at the start of working on my thesis (and summarised it in a previous post), and bits like 'English airmindedness has not been treated in detail, but the best sources are ...' (pp. 126-7) set me to thinking. And the rest, as they say, is a history PhD. Or will be.
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